2012年7月29日 星期日

不要少看我們!阿仙奴 We are not weak! Arsenal

Chino, Thank you for bring us good memories, today is your last match. It's a pity that I cannot come to watch this match. Fans club really good for me and give me two tickets for this match, Finally, I give these ticket to my friend and hope that they can enjoy today's match. Now I am looking for the new seasons Kitchee team shirt tomorrow and I will take a photo for this. P.S. Kitchee today kicked a touched match ~

盧比度,謝謝你帶給我們美好的回憶,今天是你的告別賽,可惜的是自己未能入場。球迷會真的對自己好好,很想去睇今日既呢場大戰,最後都俾我抽中左兩張免費票,結果因為要ON DUTY所以去唔到,兩張票俾左朋友個仔去。不過都總算有收獲,條志新一季既主場球衣入手~好期待明天入手既一刻。一定會穿上身影幅CHOK到爆既相。P.S. 傑志今天踢了感動的一場~
