2012年8月2日 星期四

觀塘工廠探索 Kwun Tong Factory exploration

Today is unwilling to have day off, nurses this job always like that, if you want to have gathering, you need to on duty. Adversely, if you have day off, all of your friends need to work. Today is lazy that wake up at 12N. Although now is August, this summer have no chance to pool for swimming. Last night after work go to a restaurant have tea with my friend, the restaurant called FACTORY 99, I highly recommend this restaurant because the food is tasty. The address is as follow:
99 How Ming Street, Kwun Tong, How Ming Factory Building.

I remember that when I was a student studying in Kwun Tong,  I always go to the factory in my lunch time to explore. There is funny that many shop outlet will located inside the factory of Kwun Tong. And the product price is cheaper. This year, I am working in this place again, of course I will go shopping in Nike and Adidas outlet first! 

是日不願放假的一天,護士呢份工最吹漲個位永遠都係人地約GATHERING果陣你就返工,你放假果陣就硬膠膠,今日又訓到成12N先起身,好懶原來已經8月,但今個夏季好似同游泳池無緣。尋日放左工之後約左朋友食TEA,間野好得,叫FACTORY 99,一定要推推呢間野。好得!地址係觀塘巧明街99巧明工廠大

好記得果陣響觀塘讀書既日子,一到LUNCH TIME同放學,一定做既事係去工廠大廈行街,觀塘D工廠區最有趣既地方係唔知點解會有商鋪,而且仲會有OUTLET,好多好正又平既野買。今年又出返觀塘工作,第一件事即係搵返我最愛既ADIDASNIKE OUTLET先啦,原來搬左,不過仲方便,響地下位置係開源道駱駝漆大廈果頭,有興趣既朋友可以搵搵
