2013年1月8日 星期二

是日本人橡膠龜 I am a Japanese rubber turtle

Since the journal from Japan, I am fell in love with Japan's stuff. Snacks from Japan is the most recent purchase things. Fortunately, Hong Kong has a specific shop can buy Japanese snacks. Now, around every weeks have 3 times shopping in there. Although expensive, it tastes better than Hong Kong's snacks.

This week sometimes chart with Japanese friends through the wrong English grammar. Thanks for their new year's living sharing. I remember that there has a senior nurse share a Japanese working attitude for me previously,  I will aims on this working attitude for my goal in this year.

In 2013, same life style for me: WORK HARD PLAY HARD. Never think on enjoy my first 2013 concert is the band called MR, but absolute a Good Show. In my opinion, there is lack of Band Sound in Hong Kong, but too much idol. This time have a chance to enjoy MR's show is because I am a user of MOOV(a internet music player) and I win their lucky draw to get two $280 tickets. Recently I am seldom using MOOV to listen music because I am too busy. My Cousin suggest me to switch to KK BOX to listen music, but I do not know what is KK BOX. So, I will keep on using MOOV now.

Honestly, in the past year, I less listening local music, recently listen is PERFUME and SNSD. Today is holiday, so I can enjoy MR's new album(NEW BEGINNING) at home. Listening music and taking a online course at the same time.



2013年,都係一如以往既生活態度,WORK HARD PLAY HARD。真係無諗過我的2013第一個演唱會就係MR,不過絕對係一個GOOD SHOW,可恨的係完SHOW之後覺得香港BAND SOUND太少、林峯太多。話說我係阿MOOV既客仔,不過而家真係少MOOV左好多。老表們叫我轉用KK BOX,太OUT啦~我都唔知KK BOX係咩~都係MOOV住先。講返正題,我去睇MR既演唱會係因為MOOV抽中左我,就係咁就有兩張免費既280蚊啦~

老老實實,過去一年真係少聽左本地作品,最近訂果兩隻碟都係PERFUME同少女時代。因為放假關係,今朝先叫得閒少少MOOV度聽成隻MR既NEW BEGINNING,不過都要推推倖田來未隻首好愛好愛你。堅好聽~一路聽歌一路網上ONLINE COURSE真係好爽~
